The qCrop Book

Welcome to the qCrop Software Suite – a naturally intelligent image cropping microservice. The qCrop Book is the authoritative documentation for all aspects of the qCrop ecosystem.

Orientation guide

If you are completely new to qCrop we suggest to visit the Introduction for a very brief system description, a compilation of potential fields of operation as well as recommendations for further, more detailled, introductory reading.

The Get started section provides a 5 minutes hands-on tutorial to the qCrop Client, which is highly recommended for all audiences:

  • decision makers
  • photo editors and photographers (qCrop operators)
  • system administrators and developers that are going to integrate qCrop with their services (qCrop integrators).

The Get started section then diverts to a collection of problem-oriented how-to manuals separated by target audience (operators / integrators).

The Reference section contains a rather dry, encyclopaedic description of all qCrop components and APIs and mainly addresses qCrop integrators. It also contains the System Requirements and Release Notes. Content of the how-to manuals will be found in the reference section in a more technical and thoroughly style.

Specific topics, that require some deeper explanation or discussion are collected in the Explanations section. This articles are also linked from other parts of the documentation, where appropriate.

How to use this documentation

All content can be directly reached via the sidebar on the left side. The sidebar can be toggled with the hamburger menu in the top left corner of the toolbar.

The Color Theme of the documentation can be changed via the brush icon in the toolbar.

A full text search of the qCrop book can be initiated with the magnifier icon in the toolbar.

© 2020-2021, append[x] GmbH, Egling-Endlhausen